ومن خطبة له (عليه السلام) يبيّن فيها حسن معاملته لرعيّته
Good behaviour with people and ignoring their faults
وَلَقَدْ أَحْسَنْتُ جِوَارَكُمْ، وَأَحَطْتُ بِجُهْدِي مِنْ وَرَائِكُمْ، وَأَعْتَقْتُكُمْ مِنْ رَبَقِ الذُّلِّ، وَحَلَقِ الضَّيْمِ، شُكْراً مِنِّي لِلْبِرِّ الْقَلِيلِ، وَإِطْرَاقاً عَمَّا أَدْرَكَهُ الْبَصَرُ، وَشَهِدَهُ الْبَدَنُ، مِنَ الْمُنْكَرِ الْكَثِيرِ.
I lived as a good neighbour to you and tried my best to look after you, and I freed you from the snare of humbleness and the fetters of oppression through my gratefulness for the little good (from your side) and closed my eyes to your many misdeeds which my eyes had observed and my body had witnessed.